She has shade spots in the yard. Her dog house, the bushes and theres a tree that hangs over into our yard but that part of the yard is blcok off cause we are growing grass on that side of the yard.
Definitly do not leave her outside. I know you live near Dallas and it is way too hot out. I live in Wichita Falls and the heat index here for the past week has almost been pushing 115. Shade still doesn't beat the Texas heat. Your smart for not going with that option.
Yea lately it has been getting over 100 on a daily bases. I'm still leaning towards the doggy door + the kennel outside. So instead of trinity got outside to the open back yard she will go into an inclosed kennel so that way no one will be able to get in. What do ya'll think about this idea? That won't be alot of room for her but while I'm gone she doesn't need that much room cause this is mainly just for her to go use the restroom. Once my mother gets home we can open the kennel up so she can run around the whole yard.
Today I left for the job core campus tour at 8- 8:30am and didn't get home till about 4pm. When i got home I was shocked ever since I have started letting trinity out (I let her out not as much as my mother cause I want trinity to learn to hold it unlike my mother) she had been doing very well. Well when i got home a 4pm she hadn't used the restroom in the house I was so shocked she held it that long.