**sorry! I edited it out because i had to turn the cam off, due ti creepy people, and now when you try to view my cam you see instead like 12 other cams, some very X rated****
You might have to right click on a red X and click "show picture." I think it refreshes every 5 or 10 seconds but I found that I can just press refresh.
This time it is working and NO dirty ads hanging around there.
Okay, apparently you have to make yourself a nickname and password, but it doesn't ask for your email or anything like that, so it's no big whoop.
the post is not showing or i clicked the wrong button so sorry if its a double post..
SBP~ i just took a sneaky peek and i saw your dog and a blonde little girl (is that your daughter?) and an older man sitting in the chair in the corner by the lamp (is that your dad?)
How does your family feel about being on it.. theres no way on the earth that michael would let me have one of those..he would probably forget its that and wander past the camera naked lol
Yep, that's us! The blonde girl is Sidney, my 5 year old daughter, and the man is my grandaddy. My husband will usually turn it off if he notices it's looking at him while he's sitting in his chair scratching his butt or something. The kids love that the cam is on, they goof off for it occasionally and make faces and stuff. Not much chance of any of us walking by naked since we live with my grandaddy...
LOL Tell hubby that you can check a box and be in the not-family-friendly section (which doesn't show up when you click my link, thank god, unless you turn off the filters on purpose) and then he can walk around naked all day!