twink, pd, and myself were on a ship that went down and we all had to share a liferaft. after a day of drifting and no land in sight, a genie appeared and to our amazement gave us each just one wish. pd complained and said she knew her rights and that we were supposed to have 3 , but the genie said he was tired and to hurry up with our wish. anyway, i wasted no time and told him i wished to be on my yacht in florida counting my millions of dollars. pd quickly outsmarted me and wished to be on her mega-yacht in hawaii counting her hundreds of millions of dollars. twink thought a bit about her wish, and finally said, " i sure am lonely, i wish i had my friends back "
LOL oh yea we really love him for taking us away from our money and everything. LOL when tuna was writing the joke I told him I wanted the mega yatee cause I'm the women and I need more room for my clothes LOL