Hey guys! I was just wondering something about Ella. She has always been litter trained (with puppy pads) and does really well and doesn't have any accidents. Well, since this summer, I have been putting outside a lot to go potty, and have decided I would rather have her do that instead. It's so much easier than having to clean up puppy pads all the time! Well, the problem I am having is that she will only go outside if I physically set her out there. If I open the door, she won't just go out on her own. And she will only go potty if I leave her out there until she goes. Needless to say, sometimes she is out there for like 45 minutes. When she's inside, she continues to try to go to her 'area' where her litter box is. So I basically got rid of her 'area' and haven't been laying down any pads and have put the litter box up. So now, she will go to that spot and go, litterbox or not! Should I just continue to have her go on pads in her litterbox, since she does that so well, or is there a way I could get her to go outside? I have already tried the whole 'starting over like she's a puppy' thing, and also putting her pads outside, but it isn't working. I don't mind her being litter trained persay, I have just been liking when she goes outside and didn't realize how much easier it is, lol.
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
Oh, I wanted to add that when she tries to go to her area, I grab her really quickly and put her outside. Kind of like what you would do a puppy that looks like they are about to have an accident. And when she goes outside, I praise her like crazy. But she still is just so persistent about trying to go to her area instead of outside.
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
I think you should just keep doing what you're doing. Always keep her in sight or at least keep her area in sight if that's the only place in the house she goes. Keep her pad outside and when you catch her in the act put her outside like you've been doing. It will take time but I think she'll get the idea. As for getting her to go outside on her own why don't you go out first and coax her out with a treat and lots of praise. That may take time and persistance also but I think she'll get it.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Thanks guys! She is such a wussy, she won't even go out there if I go out first. She hates to be out of my sight, but sort of like when I go on lanolium, she stands at the edge and whines like crazy to get me to pick her up and bring her there. Spoiled dog....
Kitty, do you think she's going there because of the smell though? Because she has a litterbox that she goes in, and there is a puppy pad in the box. And she never goes around it or outside the box, so I don't think there are any stains around it. It's funny, because I can remember people asking how to litter train dogs, and I would say how, and then people would always say not to because then you can't get them to go outside, and I never gave it much thought because I never planned on her going outside. But it really is nicer to have her go out there, lol.
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
i,m with kitty on this one. i wish i would have trained my frenchies to go outside from the beginning. it took alot of working with them to get them used to going outside everytime they needed too. they will sometimes still go in the bathroom where the puppy pads used to be, but thats rarely now. harley broke the doggy door so it is rigged shut until i can replace it. i just take them out every couple of hours and they do fine.