Last night I thought my dad was going to die. His kidneys weren't really functioning and his blood pressure was extremly low. The whole family was at the hospital and surprisingly at 5 in the morning my dad was feeling better. His urine output has greatly increased which is a good thing. His belly has gone down a little bit and his blood is almost thick enough. He also started throwing up a bunch a yucky stuff. It looked like coffee grounds....which wasn't a good sign. We were prepared for the worse last night. But today the doctor seems to think he is well enough to stick him with a giant needle and take some of the fluid off his abdomen and send it to lab. We are just praying he goes through that well since his blood is a little on the thin side. But the doctor is pretty confident. We are all still thinking it is pancreatitis. So i plan on going back up to the hospital later this evening. So far he has been in there for 8 days. And its such a depressing place to be. It kind of sucks the life out of you. So thats it for now. Hoepfully we will find out more later. And his doctor is so hot. LOL!!!
hopefully all goes well with your dad and they find the problem and treat it. the doctor is so hot. lmao. the hand specialist i was going to is sooooo hot too. he is tall with dark wavey hair. chiseled features. he looks like someone you would see on a soap opera. lol . i never minded driving accross town for those appointments ! lol