Hi!!! I have a question for you. Some rescues websites have a section for the public to put up private adoptions. I was wondering if the rescue you help out at does the same thing, if so I would love to put up an ad for Hope. I've put ads up on petfinder, craigslist, and dogster so far. I'm starting to email rescues asking for permission to put her on their websites. So if its possible for me to do this let me know. Thanks puttin!
Yes they do, I think ours calls it Community Outreach Program;
Take a look its a few paragraphs down the page. I love this option. Many people see these pets. A couple came all the way from Arizona to get two kittens a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you so much Puttin! I just sent them her adoption info and pic so hopefully it will be up in the next couple days, thanks agian!!!! Hope thanks you too!
I've been trying to get my sisters friend to do this also. He bred his mutt with the neighbors dog, now has three of the pups still no shots about 3 months old, not knowing what to do with them. I have been trying to scare him, telling him more then likely they have bellies full of worms and they are licking him. Some worms can be contagiuos to humans. He keeps saying he is going to just give them to them, I'm waiting.... Good luck with finding a home.