Well today is day 17 of my dad being in the hospital......and he is going home right now. Hooray!!!! He is craving a double meat cheeseburger but he probably won't get one of those for a few weeks. He needs to take things slowly with some foods. But his recovery time will be about 2 months and then he should be as good as new. The doctor is still dumbfounded by all of this. He said that daddy should have been dead a long time ago. We also found out how much intestine they took out....3 foot.
I'm so glad your dad is getting to go home! Hooray!
My brother wife started having trouble with being constipated. They finally realized she had way to much intestines and they removed about 6 feet I think. Isn't that crazy? Even 3 feet is a whole lot.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
wow . that does seem like alot. at least they figured it out in time and he will recover. thank the lord for that. i bet he doesnt wait a few weeks for that double meat cheeseburger though ! lol
and zoe, six feet. my lord. thats longer than i am tall. wow
thats great news that your dad is coming home ~lol i know how you dad feels about the burger cravings.. i remeber when i was in hospital for a couple of weeks ..i wasnt allowed to eat the whole time i was there ~ just given glucose etc through a drip incase they need to operate in an emergency.. i was desperate for a BigMac and i headed to Mc Donalds straight after being allowed out .. well i sat down and could only manage a bite~ I felt like my body didnt know how to eat after 2 weeks of being on a drip and my stomach was the size of a Pea