Well it seems that so many people pop in but don't post anymore I figured that i'd ask everyone how's life?
I miss the little old goofy threads we used to have!
And where the heck is Mollie?????????????????????????????????????/ OHHH MOLLIE WHERE IS THE MOLLIE????? COME BACK TO ME I MISS YOU!
Lifes been alright to me lately expect the whole dirt bike thingy. Work sucks but I think everyone can relate with me on that one! LOL Who honestly likes to work everday. Life would be so much more pleasant if we could all sit home do what we wished and get paid! I tried that but they forgot to send me my paychecks so I had to get off my lazy butt and get a real job!
I'm a manager at a Subway. I used to be manager at both Subway and Shell but knocked myself back to one, doing both was just too much work.
I like my job but people are having a hard time actaully showing up. One girl worked 3 days and quite another pulled a no call no show on me yesterday. As of right now I only have 2 people working for me. I started a new girl today and another one starts tomorrow. So hopefully they will work out and things will be back to normal.
wow stormy...sounds like you've been having fun at work! lol
As for you question about how everyones life is...mines not too bad! minus the fact that i've been sick ( i caught mono from someone...i'm never sharing drinks with people again!) everythings been going pretty good. i've been pretty busy with work, and some family stuff, which is why i haven't really been here much lattley. i stop in and read every once in a while, but i have hardly posted in like what seems like forever. but other than that things are pretty good here, all 11 animals are doing well! which is always good! but i should be back on here more often now, cause things are starting to settle down a little more...besides...i've actually missed being on here! lol
She only gets the painfull chews about once a month. But her jaw pops something terrible. I swear you can hear it from across the room. And she is afraid to go to the dentist too. Her mouth only opens so far and she is afraid of lock-jaw.
Hi, I guess my explanation is, I just mad a myspace page and have been trying to put it together, still need to do more. LOL Still not great. But at least I have color on it now.
Hubby pissed me off over the weekend well his long weekend runs till monday. He decided to have quite a few drinks while flying missions on the computer game, while I was at work. Came home to a disgusting sap of a husband. I hate talking to him when he does that.