Just out of the blue...last week....they BOTH start pissing and crapping in our closets.....hubby's music bags and our clothes! Are they insane?
I had to throw away 3 bra's today because Napster slept in the laundry basket with clean laundry in it. When she left.....I got one of the bra's to go take a shower.....and it reeked of cat piss.
I am so mad I can't see straight. There hasn't been a change in the litter or where the litter box sits......they still use the litter box too......but this pissing spree is pissing me off. And I don't need a closet full of cat turd trophy's to add to my day.
If you insist on giving them the run of the house, be sure to use No-Go everywhere... They have an attitude problem, for sure. That kind of thing is hard to correct.
My sister used to have a problem with her cat peeing everywhere. Like mainly her bed.... But turned out the cat had a UTI and the onset of diabetes. He is all fixed up now and hasn't done it since.
First off I'd suggest a visit to the vet to rule out any medical problem. If that isn't the cause, has anything whatsoever changed within the house? A new animal, tension, anyone who is normally there gone for an extended period of time, new carpeting? With cats it can be the most minor change to set them off. I used to have one cat who was "perfect" except if I stayed overnite elsewhere even for just 1 night then I'd come home to find he had used literally every houseplant (including the cacti) as a litterbox.
I hope you can find a solution to the problem as I know how it is. I have a geriatric cat who now lives in my laundry room so that she can't leave presents for me everywhere.
i went through that with a cat that i had adopted from the shelter. a beautiful himilayan girl. i could not believe that someone would give her up, as it stated on the card that she was a 2 year old himmy female and an owner surrender.i took her in for her vet check and spaying and she was fine.i started finding cat pee on stuff all through the house. i confined her to the back porch for awhile with her litterbox, bed and food/water. she was using the box fine. as soon as i allowed her back in the house, she started again. she never did quit and when she starting peeing on my daughters pillow, that was the last straw. she became an outside only cat. she could get into the back porch all the time and she adjusted fine. cat pee is NASTY. way worse than dog pee. and some never quit peeing on everything, once they start. i think thats why the owner gave her up, they just got tired of her nasty habit.