I left on errands today, while I was gone Jason decided to make the cats outdoor cats and he let them all outside, without telling me, and then he left for work, leaving them out. When I came home two of the cats where in the yard(his cats) and Isabelle(my cat) is no where to be seen. She better come home or I might be single later on today. Im sooo pissed!
This may be a horrible thing for me to ask. Okay it is a horrible thing for me to ask but do you think he's doing these things on purpose? He just seems so clueless when it comes to animals.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
I was just thinking the same thing, Zoe. I'm sorry, Syd, but that's what it's sounding like to me. Maybe it's just too stressful living together with all the animals, but it really doesn't sound to me like he's someone you'd want to marry. If he's doing these things with the animals, what would he be like with kids?? He sounds like a real ass to me, sorry but that's what it sounds like.
Its ok guys, i know thats what it seems like since im always venting on here. However I dont think he does it on purpose, he just knows absolutly nothing about dogs or cats. He truly loves them all and his two cats were outside too. He just doesnt know the things I know cause he doesnt ever visit forums and such. Im going to talk to him agian and tell him everything I know....lol....he really does love all the animals, he even plays with them more then I do. He is just one of those people who has a pet, and does whatever they feel like, cause they dont know better.
I've also thought about how he is with the animals and then think about how he would be with kids. I think he has some more growing up to do himself. I dont know if I will ever marry him or anyone for that matter, the thought of marriage scares me to death. Anyways hopefully once I talk to him he will understand and things like this wont happen agian.
Oh by the way, we found Isabelle nextdoor, she went threw a slit in the fence, but came back eventually. She is never going outside agian! Thanks guys!
Hee hee, maybe you should put a "doggy and kitty rules" post it on the fridge with all the things that the animals can and cannot do. You can also leave all the emergency numbers, like you would if you are leaving a new babysitter in charge of your kids! LOL I have thought of that for my husband with our KIDS! lol