Lastnight I kept getting this weird feeling in my stomach, like it was upset, but it felt differnt like tight, if that makes sense. Then I got the feeling I was gonna be sick, I woke up all night long feeling like that, this morning it was the same and I have to work for 12 hours today :( Im sorry I just have to vent. I feel like crap. We ordered Buffalo Wings form Pizza Hut lastnight, I think they were bad, no more buffalo wings EVER for me!!
But on a happy note, Fez is coming out of his shell finally! He has been so shy and scared. We were making progress a while back with him, but then one day I was holding him and I tripped, it scared him and he regressed. And all of a sudden lastnight he was out and about and he kept nudging me to pet him, im so excited!!! I thought he would be one of those cats that always hides but it looks like I was wrong, im so happy!