Anyone know a safe way of getting crickets out of the house? I dont know how they get in, we dont leave windows open or doors. There arnt a lot but Jason says he has seen a few. Crickets totally freak me out, I'd rather deal with spiders, i hate that crickets jump, scares me.
Im just worried about spraying something cause of the animals. Any suggestions?Thanks
We had them real bad in are basement this summer and we have no doors down there and all the windows have pastiv over them. I dono how they got in, but they did some how. 9 times out of 10 we went down there in the morning and the cats killed some. If you have a cat dont worry it will get them eventually. My dad tried spraying and everything, but them suckers werent going anywhere.. They are very creepy then when your trying to sleep and all you hear is them cricking. Thats very annoying. I never thought of the glue traps. They may work.
wow what coincedence!!! i just killed the first cricket of the year in my house tonight!! injured him on the first whap with the news paper and drove it home on the second lol