I had to take Lola into the vet because she's been having trouble walking on all four of her feet. First I thought it was her knees or something, but I checked them out and all seemed fine. Hubby and I took a closer look at her paws and because of the snow dusting we had last monday her feet are really dry and cracked. We've been bag balming her every night and wrapping her feet, but am going to have to get some booties for outdoor use. Stinky thing is, I'll probably have to get two sets. One for Lola and one for Pi.
Does anyone know of a good, inexpensive brand that is all weather? I know Target has some for 15 bucks but dont know if they're all-weather. PetSmart has one that is all weather for 35 bucks. Unfortunately we still dont have any at my store or i migth get them there.
I'm off today to see if I can't locate any booties. Gonna double check the ones at Target. Was also told to try some Epson Salt, have Lola stand in the tub for I dont know how long and soak her paws.
Are dog's feet like ours where you can file the nasty off with a foot file?
I looked at the muttlucks, but some of the reviews said that their dogs wore them very little and got holes in them very fast. Nathan has me looking at neoprene boots, through cabela's they are 19 but not sure what shipping is yet. Those boots are made for the hunting dogs and such, so I guess the neoprene will protect her feet better ???
Yeah, they should last forever. Cabela's is good, I guess. Sorry it took so long to answer your post, I work Wed thru Sun, I just glance at the forums those days... Try http://www.dogsafieldonline.com/shop/default.asp They have 5 kinds in the catalog I dug up from the pile...$11.99-$24.99
Note, I had trouble acessing the web-site thru the catalog address, and more things are offered in the catalog than on-line. They are at 1559 East Taylor Ave. Atlanta, GA 30344-4242...1-404-767-4914