LOL, he had an accident in his crate so I had to give him a bath, I was here alone, so I couldn't get any bath shots but I did get some after fluffy pics!! You can see how in the sitting picture, how he sticks his chest out! I love it!
LOL, Isn't he a sweety? I love him so much! He is so much fun. He really isn't very big but man, is he HEAVY!!! LOL I am going to weigh him tonight or tomorrow and see how much he has gained since his last weight.
NO :( I am kind of upset, Michele went out of town and she was supposed to be back today.....but now she is staying another night. I wanna see what I got! LOL
Actually, most cream chows nose turns various shades of red or brown(chocolate), that is why they are rarely seen in the show ring, it is considered a fault in creams but a couple other colors are allowed to have different colors other then black. Alot of registries are recognizing that it is common in Creams and have started to change the standard, hopefully AKC and UKC will follow. (By the way, Chingers eats and drinks out of ceramic bowls)