I haven't posted anything because I'm still not 100% sure we're getting the house. I'm about 99.9% but still waiting on the final financing. it's a 3 bedroom, 3 bath rancher with fireplace, wall oven, in-ground pool, full basement, enclosed porch in the back, sky light total Up and downstairs: 3000 square feet! Plus it's fenced!!! I can finally kick the dogs outside to burn off their energy! Cross your fingers, I'm hoping to know by the end of this week if we're 100% a go. If so we'll be moving the end of Feb so I might be gone for a bit (not that I post much) e-mail me if you want the link to see pics.
Good luck! I know how stressful and anxious(sp) you can get during the time of finding out what house you want and the actual closing of the house it can get. I hope everything goes exactically how you are hoping and praying it goes!