So we are now fostering 4 of 9 dalmation german shorthair mix puppies. They are soooo funny. Spots everywhere! They are six weeks old. and what goofy little turds they are.
they are cute and they are fun...but they are a lot of work! I am just trying to keep them all on the same schedual so that they can eat...and poop at the same time. It makes it easier to get them outside before there are any accidents.
7 of the nine pups were adopted today! I am so happy for them. We did great on adoption days today. 10 adoptions! 8 puppies and 2 adults. One of the adults we have had for sooooo long. Over a year even. He is such a sweet dog, but he has a lot of energy. A young couple adopted him....I am way happy about the placement!
Was there a picture? Hey does your group have a petfinder website? I just recently found out ours does. I always thought it was just their main site. I put a few graphics on it for them. They were tickled to see the background and moving graphics. They want me to do what I want to it. LOL Cool.
Good for you Jessica. Pups are hard to care for especially litters. Gotta watch so's they don't eat up their poop too.
One of my favorites got adopted the other day. I was so happy. Small german shepard female sweet as pie. I loved lovin on her. She was older around 7ish. Happy happy day.