Had to share my latest arrival with you. Well we had quite an April Fool played on us by Mother Nature. Went out to do the critters about 7:00 am, the four new little piggies we had gotten the day before decided they didn't like the pen between the two barns and escaped, guess they had a wonderful time in the chicken quarters and the pasture between the barn. I rounded them up, let the sheep out and proceeded to get my wire clippers and wire to fix their door. Well I heard this very very soft mewwwwwww! Looked in the sheep's pen and I found the smallest lamb I have ever seen all covered in fluid with just the head sticking out. I cleaned off his mouth and I wrapped him in my jacket, woke Dennis, we dried him off with the hair dryer and I went out to the pasture to find the Mommy. Very easy to spot, blood down her legs, brought her in to the barn and checked her milk bag, no, nada, nothing for milk. Put a call in to Dr. Charlie to find out about the Ewe and the baby. Got colostrum at the feed store and feed her, had her in a box with a heating pad and sheep skin rug (no pun intended). He started drinking from a baby bottle and did meewww loudly and did stand every so often. He weighed 2.5 pounds. And thus started my l-o-n-g day and nights. I have named him Joker. I still can't believe he was just laying there. Thank goodness I went out when I did or he would have been dead.
Well Joker is now up to 3 pounds and is doing pretty good. He is five days old and follows me through the house whenever I call him. I have moved him into our big dog cage so he can walk around, also am trying him on a little grain that I mashed up and mixed with molasses. Cherokee, the Affenspinscher really took over as mommy she licks him so that Joker does what lambs are supposed to do after they eat.
1-brand new, 2- by 15" ruler 2 days old, 3- with Cherokee 4-with our Chi
Well are you ready to get up every two to two and a half hours for feeding. Really takes the steam out of this old body. It is worth it though. He follows me around the house like a little puppy. Only problem with it being a ram he cannot go into the pasture since he might mate with his mother plus we already have a St. Croix Ram and the two would fight. So I have a major decision in the next month. I can castrate him and there would be no problem and just keep him as a pet or I can sell him since he is a St. Croix and would be great as a stud. That is when he gets big like his Daddy.
That's a good story. I like happy endings. Reminds me of some cats that I have had. I don't have your pluck and perserverance, so those cat babies did not live. Neat that the dogs helped. Dogs are ever useful to mankind, I hope that we never try to live without them. I've been raising a litter of pups this last month. Lots of emotional energy goes into this kind of thing [if you are a normal person]. It is 24/7, also, sleep is a word from foreign language...
How cute!!! I remember when i was like 16 my sister brought home a new born goat. Cute little bugger!! I had to wake up every two hours too to feed. Sucked but it was worth it. I ended up giving her away to a lady that kept goats as pets. Pretty easy to find in the area I grew up in too.
You are right Puttin, it is a Poodle, poodle here, poodle there, had so many poodles I went and got premie diapers to put on Joker when he is out of his cage.