Good Luck to everyone, and may the best picture win!
Also ONLY members can vote. So if you are a guest and would like to vote, become a member of our growing family. We love new members and new faces, we welcome everyone!
Here are the pictures in order they were submitted.
Trinity attacking the sprinkler. (PrettyDobie)
Manson haveing a cool drink. (shinyblackpit)
Flower enjoying the warm weather. (sandysmommie)
Sophie VS Lawnmower (Heffanator)
Ivan taking a swim. (XjessicaXburgiX)
Chi-Ching at the beach. (Katzpomdogz)
Storm, playing stick with daddy. (StormyWinter)
Side note to those who entered.
I know this is hard to find out but I ask that you be honest and vote for the pic that YOU HONESLTY think should win. This doesn't mean vote for your picture just so you have more chances of winning.